trade $pft tokens
buy, sell, swap $PFT
Connect your wallet to start trading $PFT.
There are instructions below the widget if you need.
Please contact us for further help.
four easy steps
Getting your hands on some $PFT is a simple 4-step process.
Step-1 You need to have a wallet to store your crypto in.
Step-2 You need to get some POL (Matic) (to swap for $PFT)
Step-3 You need to do the trade (swap POL for $PFT)
Step-4 You need to add $PFT to your wallet to see your balance!
Allow 15 minutes for this process. Once you’ve done it once, it’s super simple to repeat again.
Download a cryptocurrency wallet
We recommend the Trust Wallet app.
(Instructions: install Trust Wallet)
You can use Metamask if you prefer
(Instructions: install MetaMask)
*you can’t use an exchange (eg, Binance)*
Buy Matic and send it to your wallet
There are two ways to do this:
- By using your credit card directly inside the wallet application.
(Instructions: Trust Wallet or MetaMask) - If you have an exchange account like Easy Crypto or Binance
(Instructions: Trust Wallet or MetaMask)
Swap or trade your Matic for $PFT
To do this you connect your wallet to the trade widget above.
(Instructions for both Trust Wallet and MetaMask – using the web or your mobile phone)
*set slippage to 5%*
Add $PFT as a custom token to your wallet
(Instructions: Trust Wallet / MetaMask)