An innovative solution to

save our native birds

our mission

25 million native birds die each year from pests, such as rats and possums.

We’re on a mission to make New Zealand pest free by 2050.

You can help by buying traps (PFT traps), buying tokens ($PFT tokens), or making a donation.

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“I love innovation and we are going to need a lot of innovation to reach our predator free goal.”

Predator Free New Zealand Trust CEO Jessi Morgan – on the Pest Free Token project

three easy ways to get involved

PFT traps

Backyard trapping is the easiest way for New Zealand to become pest free. Order yours today.

$PFT tokens

New Zealand’s first charitable cryptocurrency; making you money while saving our native birds.


Pest eradication is expensive. Make a donation to help local organisations keep fighting.

every backyard needs a trap

Join the hundreds of Kiwis across New Zealand with a PFT trap in their backyard.

Visit our Trapmap to see them all, including how many pests each has caught.

The team behind the magic

We’re a group of dedicated Kiwis driven to see change.

Our backgrounds include charities, pest eradication, and technology.

These allow us to innovate outside the box (or should we say outside the trapbox??).

Our values are transparency, community, integrity, and service.

Our partners

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